Wednesday, August 09, 2006


  这家由马来西亚电信公司主推的俱乐部即将建成总长度为2万公里、名为“亚洲美国通道”的海底电缆系统。“亚洲美国通道”将把马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、文莱、越南、中国香港与美国西海岸连接起来,关岛和夏威夷负责中转。马来西亚 电信已经在2006年6月初与PLDT(菲律宾)、新加坡星和、CAT(泰国)、AiTi(文莱)、VNPT(越南)、香港恒通(REACH)签署了谅解 备忘录(MOU),各方将成立联盟,共同致力于海底电缆的建造。马来西亚电信预计“亚洲美国通道”将在2008年初竣工,但是并没有透露具体的投资数据。
  据悉,“亚洲美国通道”的最小设计容量为1.28Tbit/s。马来西亚电信的COOBaharumSalleh表示,建设该系统的目的是满足未来东南亚国家与美国之间VoIP和视频通信等宽带业务不断增长的需要。Salleh 说:“我们希望拥有更高的电缆容量,因为随着宽带业务的升级,亚太光缆网络二号(APCN-2)的容量即将被消耗殆尽。例如,马来西亚的宽带通信每年至少 增长20%,按照这样的速度,到2008年,马来西亚和美国之间的通信容量就会比较紧张。”
  东南亚国家的运营商可以选择其他路由,例如最近完工的SEA-ME- WE-4电缆系统,但是这意味着流量首先向西传送,然后再绕回美国,这无疑增加了时延。Salleh解释:“企业用户对QoS要求比较高,我们必须尽力缩 短时延。与美国建立直达电路之后,马来西亚和美国之间的通信流量将不再需要通过中国和日本中转。”

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Intel Quad-Core 64-bit Mac Pro Desktops & OSX 10.5 Loapard

The spec as follow, CPU only:
  • Two 2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon processors
  • 1GB of 667 MHz DDR2 fully-buffered ECC memory expandable up to 16GB
  • NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT with 256MB of GDDR2 SDRAM
  • 250GB Serial ATA (3Gb/s) hard drive running at 7200 rpm
  • 16x SuperDrive with double-layer support (DVD+R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
  • Four PCI Express slots: one double-wide graphics slot and three full-length expansion slots
  • Ships with Mighty Mouse and Apple Keyboard.
Mac OSX 10.5 Loapard

  • Full native 64-bit support that allows applications to take complete advantage of 64-bit processing while maintaining full performance and compatibility for existing 32-bit Mac OS X applications and drivers.
  • Enhancements to Boot Camp, Apple's innovative technology that was previewed as a public beta in April 2006, making it possible to run Windows natively on Intel-based Macs. .....

Microsoft said it has decided not to move forward with a Universal version of Virtual PC at this time. However, it will continue to provide support to existing Virtual PC customers.

"Developing a high-quality virtualization solution, such as Virtual PC, for the Intel-based Mac is similar to creating a version 1.0 release due to how closely the product integrates with Mac hardware." Microsoft said.

Also, Microsoft said it will be discontinuing support of Visual Basic scripting in the next version of Office for Mac.