Monday, May 30, 2005

New Epson Stylus Pro 4800, 7800 and 9800 Ink Jet Printers

Epson is once again advancing its printing technology into new territory for professional photographers and graphic artists with the launch of the Epson Stylus Pro 4800, Epson Stylus Pro 7800, Epson Stylus Pro 9800, and new Epson UltraChrome K3 ink technology. The combination of these new printers and archival inks not only gives today's most demanding professionals the widest gamut of archival color ink jet printing to date, but an almost infinite degree of black and white image control that rivals all other forms of photographic printing.

All three printers introduce several new and advanced features and technologies, most notably Epson UltraChrome K3 inks - a new archival technology that uses eight individual colors to create even better exhibit-quality output on a wide selection of media. The Epson Stylus Pro 4800 replaces the award-winning Epson Stylus Pro 4000 for printing images as wide as 17 inches, while the Epson Stylus Pro 7800 and Epson Stylus Pro 9800 replace the Epson Stylus Pro 7600 and 9600 for printing up to 24 inches and 44 inches in width, respectively."By combining the high-precision of a new Epson Stylus Pro print engine with the extraordinary performance of Epson UltraChrome K3 ink technology, today's most discerning creative professionals have the tools to express their true creative visions," said Mark Radogna, group product manager, professional graphics, Epson. "Whether an artist's goal is to create the best exhibit-quality color prints possible or world-class black and white photography, their only limitations will be talent and imagination."

Download: Stylus Pro 4800 Brochure
Download: Stylus Pro 4800 Reference Guide
Download: Stylus Pro 7800 Reference Guide
Download: Stylus Pro 9800 Reference Guide
Learn more: Epson UltraChrome K3 ink technology

Saturday, May 14, 2005

WiMAX - 无线宽频 和 PLC - 电力线上网

这种技术可以在如一个小城市那么大的范围内提供高速数据传输, 大多数数码用户回路(DSL)和有线宽频接入(Cable)的传输速度仍不够快,只能算是不称职的宽频,仍然无法提供高质量的视频串流或类似内容。要支援高质量视频传输的良好宽频网络,传输速度至少应该达到每秒10Mb,而现在的家用宽频线路很少能超过每秒5Mb。传输速度在每秒50-100Mb的WiMAX,显然比DSL和有线网络更好,非常具有竞争力,特别是在这些技术并不普及的农村地区。英特尔(Intel)正在努力推动WiMAX技术成为廉价而普及的无线宽频(宽带)接入方式。
PLC(Power Line Communication) 是一种宽带技术,利用一般传输电流的电力线作为媒介,进行传输声音、资料或影像的方式。因此,只要是在有任何电源的地方,即使是位处不同的国家,也能够进行连网同时,电力线上网还能保证一幢大楼内的每一个通电的地方都能上网。这一点,就连目前流行的WiMax无线宽带网也无法保证。因为大楼厚厚的墙壁和地板将会严重影响无线网络信号。速度方面,电力线上网的理论速度应为最快,它可以实现高达14兆(1400Mbit)的传输速, 比LAN(1000Mbit)还快目前美国、德国、奥地利、西班牙,法国等国的电力线通信网络已经开始运营了,并有众多的电力企业在悄悄地进行相关试验,争取有朝一日进入电信运营市场分一杯羹。
可以见到这种技术不但对影视会有革命性的变化, 印前也将会受惠, 到时Copy to CD也会成为历史了。

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Seagate USB 2.0 Pocket Hard Drive

5GB portable storage in the palm of your hand