Wednesday, April 20, 2005



简 单的看,Adobe与Macromedia的强强联合,将会实现许多设计师梦寐以求的 Dreamweaver、Flash、Photoshop三种软件之间的无缝结合。使得设计师的工作趋于简便快捷高效。而对于之前两家公司不相上下的软件 来说,比如Illustrator与Freehand、Fireworks与ImageReady、Dreamweaver与Golive等等,应该是取 长补短了。

此次收购对于Adobe来说是延长其企业竞争力的一招胜负手,近观几 年来Adobe软件的发 展,除了在平面设计领域的Photoshop、Illustrator、Indesign和在视频方面稍有影响力的aftereff之外,没有什么能为其 带来持续性收入的东西。如果Adobe公司不进行这次收购,他的软件以后的应用面将会越来越窄。其企业竞争力也会逐年下降。

而 看看Macromedia,除了大家熟知的Dreamweaver、Flash、 Fireworks软件之外,Macromedia自主开发的Flash已经成为了多媒体的一个标准,在网络上已经完全是Flash的天下,并且正在强势 进入日益火爆的移动手持设备领域。另外,Macromeida还拥有Adobe所匮乏的一整套从服务器端到开发端到用户终端的完美网络服务的成套解决方 案,只是这些年一直被微软的网络解决方案压着,而无用武之地。



Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Adobe Announce Purchase of Macromedia

Adobe has today announced plans to purchase Macromedia for an all-stock transaction worth $3.4 Billion.

Macromedia shareholders will receive 69% a share of Adobe for each one they hold, which represents approx. $41.86 per share at Adobe's closing price of $60.66. The figure represents a 25% premium on Macromedia's shares, which closed at $33.45 on Friday.

The deal, approved by both boards, is being described as a way of expanding both the companies. Bruce Chizen, Adobe CEO, described the purchase as being "all about growth," and explained that he expects the two companies together to grow faster than they would apart. “By combining our powerful development, authoring and collaboration software – along with the complementary functionality of PDF and Flash – Adobe has the opportunity to bring this vision to life with an industry-defining technology platform.” Although true, the deal reflects the increased competition both companies are facing in their respective markets.

Adobe and Macromedia are respected leaders in their fields, and a tie up in the industry has long been expected by analysts. Adobe is a leader in the imaging and document management field, and Macromedia is a leader of web technologies like Flash. The deal has been welcomed by industry watchers.

Although details are somewhat limited, the two companies announced that they believed the purchase would give cost savings. However, as recent history with purchases such HP and Compaq would tell, there are serious difficulties and costs involved in integrating two companies. Chizen will stay in his position as CEO of Adobe, whilst Stephen Elop, President and CEO of Macromedia, will become president of Worldwide Field Operations in the new combined company. The deal is expected to be completed later this year.

这可是件大新闻啊. 你怎样看? 请发表.
消息来源: Macromedia

ApogeeX MacClients和OSX 10.3.9

本 站在3月17号, 报道和测试过后,确实AGFA ApogeeX MacClients and OSX 10.3.8 没有JOBS LIST显示. 现在 ApogeeX MacClients 和 OSX 10.3.9 又可以了. 这个 MacOSX 真的是没完没了.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Adobe Pushes DNG Image Format

数码像机的大行其道. 专业摄像师也开始数码化了. 但是大多数的数码像机厂商在其专业数码像机系列当中的所收存的数码挡案多没有标准, TIF; JPEG; NGR等等. Adobe在这样情形推出 DNG 标准, 是否改变结局? 详情请看: S.E.A. Net Tech Info.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

First Look QuarkXPress 7.0

QUARK-老牌的排版软体大反攻? 在ADOBE的强大压力下还能生存否?
是的, QUARK在不久前的
TypoTechnica 2005中便发表了其第7版本的DEMO. Quark说:"整个程式重写是这次第7版本的最大改变, 同时支持Unicode和OpenType字型. 其字体处理引擎(Type Engine)也整个程式重写." 这是肯定的-不然怎样同时支持Unicode和OpenType字型呢! 看来,Quark真的认真来了. 但像是来迟了一步, 还以为在QuarkXPress6.0或6.5版中便加上这功能. 在7.0版再加上AI和PSD Layer编辑的功能.
在Adobe InDesign CS吃了大半的出版业江山和慢慢的整合其CS系统形成一个一站式(OneSTOP)的同时, Quark才来花更大的努力加上以上的种种所谓的新技术. 是否还是市场所需呢?
First look at QuarkXPress 7.0

Monday, April 04, 2005

Sending Files to ColorSEP (Service Bureau)

How to getting files, fonts, graphics, disks ready for commercial printing. Please check out our S.E.A. Tech Info.


ADOBE终于发布了CreativeSuite第二版本. 每个版本-PhotoshopCS2,IllustratorCS2,InDesignCS2等都有了一些功能的提升和技术的整合.请到以下网点看看.系统要求以下网点.

Adobe Creative Suite 2 - 一片熟悉的叶子内,集成了完善的设计环境.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Google Doubles GMail Storage Space - 2GB!

在之前,雅虎提升其电邮容量直1GB后.在进行的同时;GOOGLE不甘示弱,又将其电邮容量提升直2GB. 用户现在已经可以使用.

Reports that GMail could launch today have been dismissed after Google detailed new plans for popular "invite-only" service. Speaking to CNet News late yesterday, GMail project manager Georges Harik dismissed rumors that the one year anniversary of the email service would mark its public debut. Instead, Harik detailed plans to immediately double the storage capacity of GMail accounts from 1GB to 2GB. In addition, Google will continue to increase GMail account capacity beyond 2GB; effectively creating a limitless storage medium for users.

"One gigabyte did seem like a lot, but it turns out there are a lot of heavy users of mail," he said. "They send attachments, share photos. It all adds up."

Herik did not provide a timeline for a public release, but with Google currently handing out 50 GMail invites to each user, one would wonder if it even matters. In direct response to the initial GMail threat, leading email providers had to signifigantly increase their storage capacity. This latest move by Google will undoubtedly spark another storage race, benefiting email users everywhere.