Friday, March 25, 2005

About SheepShaver

SheepShaver is the first PowerMac G4-class emulator for non-PowerPC platforms capable to run MacOS 7.5.2 up to 9.0.4. It provides a basic JIT implementation but still performs decently. On PowerPC platforms, no CPU emulation is performed to almost reach native speeds.
Currently the latest build not support : Network and Sound yet :(

SheepShaver Run MacOS 8.6 with QuarkXPress

Run QuarkXPress4.0.x Nearly Real Speed!

SheepShaver Run MacOS 8.x to 9.0.x

SheepShaver Run MacOS 8.6 in Seanet Windows PC

Thursday, March 24, 2005

慢慢体会新一代的Windows - Longhorn

从图片中我们可以明显地感到Longhorn吸收了OS X中大量柔和的元素, 看起来比传统的微软颜色更加细腻了一点, 具体的请大家慢慢体会.

Longhorn - 权限问题

虽然NT平台系统在NTFS的笼罩下总有"安全性"这个美妙的帽子, 但是在实际使用中设置来设置去确实十分不方便, 一遇上系统漏洞就全玩完了. 而Longhorn却将权限管理做到了每一个程序, 虽然只是简单的加密...

Longhorn - 没有响应 (No Reponding)

没有响应 (No Reponding)
从Windows98的"非法操作, 即将关闭"到Windows2000的没有响应, Windows总是给我们各种各样头痛的问题, 在Longhorn中 也当然不能避免, 但是它却会在窗口右上角发出一个非常人性化的提示"该程序停止响应, 等待可能会恢复, 并明确地将箭头指向了关闭按钮, 提示下一步该怎么 做.

Longhorn - 查找功能

Windows 98-Windows XP, 最常用的查找功能确实有了突飞猛进, 不过突飞猛进这个词语还是用在Longhorn上更为名副其实. 条件筛选这个概念在Longhorn中有着十分 重要的位置, 甚至是将搜索结果分类, 使用频率分类, 还有你能添加自己对目标文件的要求. 甚至可以按使用的用户进行搜索.
从这里看出Longhorn真是把OS的人性化和易用化做到了极致, 从此Linux的GUI, 还有在GUI上的最大竞争对手OS X也将有更长的一段路要走了.

Longhorn - 移动设备的连接

PocketPC, SmartPhone, 哪个不是赚钱的主儿, 要有序管理仅凭 ActiveSync是远远不够地. 微软产品统一化的概念融入Longhorn, ActiveSync终于可以退休了, 新的 SyncManager同样有着上一辈的传统--简单易用. 可以一次过Sync好几种不同的外接东东.

Seanet: 相信以后Windows系统在印前方面会更加的灵活性的配合.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


雅虎又提升它的电邮的空间直达1G!, 在雅虎提升其6MB到100MB; 然后又再提升直250MB后的再次提升其邮箱的容量. 用户一两星期后便会看出其邮箱的容量的变化. 好消息喔!

Yahoo plans to once again raise its free email storage, this time to 1GB. The rise in email storage matches the same email storage offered by search rival Google. The storage change is said to begin in late April for Yahoo's free email users, whose current storage mark is set to 250MB. Yahoo said that it will take about two weeks for their free email users to see the difference.

Yahoo's storage boost comes only one week after Google began giving Gmail accounts to random visitors of its homepage. The giving of random Gmail accounts has raised speculation of Google possibly allowing Gmail accounts available to the public on April 1st, one year after Gmail's beta launch. Yahoo's vice president of communications products, Brad Garlinghouse, said in an interview that the storage upgrade is not a response to Google's latest actions.

Yahoo will also offer anti-virus scanning provided by Symantec.
News source:

Thursday, March 17, 2005

小心 - ApogeeX MacClients和OSX 10.3.8

有报道说: Updated system to 10.3.8, result... blank windows in ApogeeX Mac Clients. No Jobs, no workflows, nothing. 本站测试过后,确实如此.唯有等待AGFA的Update了.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


由一家名为Maui X-Stream Inc开发出的萍果系统模拟器CherryOS 1.0版终于推出。目前这个版本还没有声音和网络的摸拟,不过该公司声称将在以后版本加入。有兴趣的朋友不防到其网站看看。Maui X-Stream Inc 你也可以下载其14日试用版玩玩。直接下载


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